Our advantages
Work experience: over 22 years
More than 18,500 tasks and 450 large-scale projects were completed
A team of experienced specialists with more than 10 years of work experience
Over the years, we have established partnerships with more than 2,500 clients

Main directions of automation
CRM. Business-processes
- Organization of work in BAS on tasks, replacing phone calls between employees with tasks;
- The manager sees a list of active business processes, employees see tasks and their business processes.
- A graphic diagram of a business process, automatic task formation for users, a visual representation of what stage the business process is at;
- Setting deadlines for tasks and monitoring their implementation.
- Sales funnel for all stages of business processes - ideally helps to identify problems, at what stage are constant delays, where are tasks accumulating and additional resources are required.
Virtual ATC Integration
- Opportunity to call from a customer’s card to BAS.
- Opening a customer card with an active phone call.
- Conversation history in the client’s card, the ability to listen.
- Synchronization of BAS clients with virtual ATC clients, regular uploading of new and changed clients to virtual ATC.
- The visual state of internal telephone lines is who is On-Line, who is talking, who is Off-Line. Ability to transfer a call to another user.
Organization of SMS or E-mail mailings
Sending SMS messages from the configurations of the "BAS" line (or "UTP", "UPP", "UT 2.3", "UNF", "AlfaAvto" and any others).
- Sending SMS to counterparties, contact persons, users - manual sending, sending to a group of counterparties;
- Automatic SMS sending when documents are changed according to specified templates;
- Sending SMS to "Viber" with pictures, with attached files;
- Sending SMS through any providers: “Turbo SMS”, “Start Mobile”, “SoftLine Mobile Systems” and others.
We perform integrations regularly, more than 200 integrations in 9 years, we have many additional customized services for automation of mailing..
Transport logistics
- Organization of transportation of goods to customers and transportation of goods from suppliers.
- Formation of route sheets for drivers.
- Schedule and delivery plan.
- Control of time spent on transportation.
- TTN document.
Insurance and assistant companies
Full automation of assistance and insurance companies in the areas:
- Medical assistant;
- Technical assistance.
Integration with document management services (Vchasno, Comarch).
- Workflow with retail chains: Metro, Bill, Epicenter, Fora, Silpo and others.
- Workflow with Rozetka.ua.
Integration with cloud-based CRM
Exchange with cloud CRM "SalesDrive" (or "Bitrix24").
Exchange functionality:
- Loading transactions from CRM to the BAS database (or "UTP", "UPP", "UT 2.3") in real time;
- Two-way exchange of order statuses between CRM and BAS;
- Automatic creation of counterparties on the BAS side when loading a deal from CPM;
- Unloading goods and balances, taking into account reserves, from BAS to CPM;
- Loading additional characteristics of transactions into BAS from CPM: delivery method, source of information, sales channel, etc.
Medical companies
Full automation of medical clinics:
Automation of patient records, doctors, hospital;
Clinic administrator workplace.