Integration with “Comarch EDI” for BAS configurations on managed forms (Small business, KUP, ERP, UT 3, UNF, AlfaAvto 6, CRM 3, Accounting and others)
Integration of BAS with "Comarch EDI" with the following features:
- Download from Comarch EDI;
- Load orders from networks - ORDER file;
- Upload to Comarch EDI;
- Uploading Order Confirmations - ORDRSP;
- Downloading invoice upload - file DESADV;
- Downloading the product catalog and its availability data - PRICAT file.
- Unloading serial numbers - file "Quotation", for the Rozetka (rozetka.com.ua).
- Unloading of the consignment note - file "DELNOT", for the Rozetka (rozetka.com.ua).
from UAH 6 000
Integration with “Comarch EDI” for regular forms (UTP, UPP, UT, edition 2.3, Accounting, edition 1.2 and others)
Integration of "1С:Підприємство" with "Comarch EDI" with the following features:
- Download from "Comarch EDI";
- Load orders from networks - ORDER file;
- Upload to Comarch EDI;
- Uploading Order Confirmations - ORDRSP;
- Downloading invoice upload - DESADV file;
- Uploading the product catalog and its availability data - PRICAT file.
- Unloading serial numbers - file "Quotation", for the Rozetka (rozetka.com.ua).
- Unloading of the consignment note - file "DELNOT", for the Rozetka (rozetka.com.ua).
from UAH 6 000
Integration of BAS software suite, "УТП" ("UTP"), "УВП" ("UVP"), "УТ 2.3" ("UT 2.3") configurations with "VchasnoEDI" (ВчасноЕДІ)
Integration of BAS software suite, "УТП" ("UTP"), "УВП" ("UVP"), "УТ 2.3" ("UT 2.3") configurations with "VchasnoEDI" with the following capabilities:
- Download from "Vchasno EDI";
- Loading orders from chains;
- Upload to "Vchasno EDI";
- Uploading order confirmations;
- Unloading consignment notes;
- Uploading the catalog of goods and data on its availability.
- Unloading a waybill, for Rozetka (rozetka.com.ua).
from UAH 3 000
Software RRO "Vchasno. Checkout"
Software PPO "Vchasno. Checkout". Implementation of a turnkey solution from "Vchasno".
We implement the installation of software PPO «Vchasno. Checkout» into programs of the "BAS" line, configurations ("UTP", "UVP", "UT 2.3", etc.).
from UAH 3 000
Develop mobile applications for Android
- Develop mobile applications that interact with the central database;
- Development of independent mobile applications;
- Interact with end-users through mobile applications.
from UAH 80 000
Workplace of the clinic administrator
The configuration automates the workplace of the clinic administrator for keeping records of visits to doctors, arranging for receiving patients, generating statistical reports, and organizing work with insurance companies.
Purpose and functions of the program:
- Clinic Administrator Workstation.
- Schedule an appointment with doctors.
- Work with insurance companies.
- Work with affiliates.
- Simple, intuitive interface.
- The ability to work through an Internet browser.
- Printing cash receipts for fiscal registrars.
- Service accounting: prices, discounts
UAH 100 000
Configuration "Assistance. Medical Assistance"
- Full support of personal insurance programs.
- The organization of the provision of all types of medical care (ambulance, hospital, outpatient care, provision of medicines, preventive care, health services).
- Fixing information (the entire sequence of actions on the occasion, the insured person’s call, the type of assistance, the order of assistance, the result of the assistance provided).
- Case control (until the case is completed, employees see additional actions on this event in the current mode).
- Quality assessment (an opportunity to ask a question about the quality of the services rendered and the help received) during the event management.
- Analysis of documents for the payment, organization and conduct of medical and economic expertise.
- Fixing costs (at the same time as organizing the service costs are fixed, which allows you to immediately see the remaining balance of the limit and the sum insured).
- Integrity of information (for each Insured person there is a separate unit, in which the entire history of appeals during the term of the contract, with renewal - including for the past periods).
- Analysis and management of the insurance portfolio (using the software any analysis of the portfolio is possible).
- Increase customer loyalty.
- Continuous monitoring of the level of damages due to regular reports.
- Prevention of fraud on the part of medical institutions (analysis and examination of all documentation for each treatment).
from UAH 600 000
Configuration "Assistance. Medical Assistance" on controlled forms, based on the typical configuration "BAS Accounting, rev. 2.1"
- Accounting for contracts and insurance policies;
- Insured persons accounting;
- Accounting for insured events;
- Conducting settlements with counterparties;
- СRМ.
from UAH 1 200 000
Automatic loading of price lists of suppliers and the balance of goods from suppliers
- from Excel files received regularly by email.
- via vendor API commands.
from UAH 12 000
Module "Lead Management" for "1С:Підприємство" configurations on regular forms (UTP, UPP, UT 2.3, BU 1.2 and others)
Subsystem "Lead Management" is used in conjunction with the module "Integration BAS with Virtual ATC".
List of functions of the Lead Management module:
- Accounting for the lead database (potential customers).
- Automatic creation of lead cards when receiving calls from a virtual ATC;
- Automatic closing of lead cards;
- when creating a counterparty on the basis of the lead card (in this case, information from the lead card is transferred to the counterparty card);
- when saving the phone number indicated in the lead card in the counterparty’s card.
- Lead Statistics Report. Classification by sources of information, by responsible managers. Indicators in the report: Conversion of leads to counterparties, number of events by leads, number of new leads. (as an additional solution: lead funnel (the sum of orders, sales, payments, profit)).
- Separation of leads by status - Hot, warm, cold, unpromising.
- Automatic call planning by leader, depending on status (hot, warm, cold). For each status, the number of days through which the event is scheduled is set.
UAH 3 000
Integration of configurations of the BAS line with "Lakmus" (medical business automation system)
The integration module allows you to upload patient visits to medical institutions from the external "Lakmus" system to the "BAS" accounting system.
Integration helps to avoid double entry of data and documents and automates the process of interaction with insurance companies or corporate clients for reimbursement of payments for medical services provided.
The exchange uploads new visit data and updates existing records that were previously uploaded to "BAS". Payment information is additionally updated.
from UAH 20 000
Integration with payment systems. Integration with Emanat (Azerbaijan)
Integration of software products of the BAS or "1C:Підприємство" line with payment terminals.
There is a ready-made solution for integration with EManat payment terminals (Azerbaijan).
Verification of the client (payer) by contract number.
Payment execution. The client makes a payment through the terminal, a payment document is created in the BAS or "1C:Підприємство" database.
Check payment status.
Reconciliation of payments for the period.
UAH 22 500
Integration of programs of the "BAS" line and configurations "UTP", "UVP", "UT 2.3" with "Autolux"
System functionality:
- Creation of an application for sending a parcel (with receipt of a TTN number);
- Creation of a printed form ТТN (by number ТТN);
- Creation of the printed form of a sticker with a barcode (by the number of TTN);
- Updating the status of the parcel (manually and automatically according to the schedule (scheduled task)).
UAH 8 000
Loading of price-lists of suppliers from Excel. Upload your own prices
Setting allows you to automatically download price lists of suppliers, as well as their own prices.
- article number and name;
- matching table.
UAH 3 500
Setting "Organization of automatic chimes for missed calls" (Auto-dialing missed calls)
The setting allows you to perform automatic callbacks for missed, incoming phone calls, with the ability to adjust the settings: the number of callback attempts, intervals between attempts, the ability to configure the initiator of the outgoing call (the employee who was called; the employee assigned to the contact; a group of employees in a virtual ATC).
UAH 15 000