Organization of work with the cash register of the cash desk during the working day. Accounting for the issue of a small coin in the cash register of the cash desk, a reflection of this operation in the cash book

Organization of work with the cash register of the cash desk during the working day. Accounting for the issue of a small coin in the cash register of the cash desk, a reflection of this operation in the cash book

Actual for configurations:

 • UTP. Management of a trading enterprise;
 • UVP. Management of a manufacturing enterprise;
 • Accounting.

Sequence of actions with cash desk of cash desk during the working day.

1. Issuance of a small change from the cash desk to the cash register of the cash desk.

The operation is executed by the cash order with the type of operation "Cash withdrawal to the cashier", under the amount "Cashier of cash register" is selected and on the right we select the cash register of the cash desk, the article of the cash flow by default - "Cash withdrawal from the CMC cash desk" (Fig. 1)
Fig. 1. Expense cash order for the issuance of a small coin to the cash register of the cash desk.

Problem: If you create this document for issuing a small change to the cash register of the cash register, then this cash order does not make movements for 301 accounts and accordingly the operation for issuing a change of coin does not fall into the "cash book"

How to add an entry to the cash book with the introduction of a small change in coin bills

To have a record in the cash book with the issuance of a small coin, it is necessary to keep records of cash on separate units. How to enable it:

1. In the accounting policy (accounting) the setting "Maintain cash accounting by separate subdivisions" is included (fig. 2). We pay attention to the date from which the changes will come.

 Fig. 2. Form of the accounting policy adjustment dialog (accounting), enabling the "Maintain cash accounting for separate units" setting.

 2. In the constants on the "Accounting Parameters" tab, the "Other analytical accounting" sub-tab, include the flag "Conduct analytical accounting of funds by separate subdivisions". At the same time, on the second account, the second sub-con- tinu "Separate unit" will be added.


Fig. 3. Constants. Adding the second sub-con- tinuation of the "Separate Unit" on the 30th account.

Further, the cancellation of the cash transaction order with the type of operation "Issue of funds to the POS cash desk", which is shown in Fig. 1.

The next step is to create an out-of-pocket cash order with the operation type "Other cash outlays", where we select a separate subdivision "Kass cash register" (before we create it), an item of cash costs = "Issuance of cash to the KKM cash desk". In this case, movement is carried out on 301 account where the debit 301 to the separate subdivision "Kass KKM" records the amount of the change coin, Fig. 4.


Fig. 4. Expense cash order for the transfer of a small coin to the cash register of the cash desk. A small coin is taken into account at a separate subdivision of the KKM cash department.

Now in the "cash book" there will be an entry about the introduction of "a small change" into the cash register of the KKM (Fig. 5)


 Fig. 5. A cash book with a record of depositing a small change in the cash register of the cash desk.

2. Operational work on conducting cash operations in the cash register of the KKM.

Throughout the day, cash is generated checks (Documents "Checks KKM"). Next, at the end of the day, the processing "Closing the cash shift" is executed, Fig. 6.


  Fig. 6. Processing "Cashier's Closing".

This processing generates the "Retail Sales Report" (Fig. 7) and simultaneously deletes the "KKM Checks" documents for the current date.


  Fig. 7. The document "Report on retail sales."

After the incoming cash order is formed with the form of the operation "Receiving retail revenue". The document indicates the amount of revenue, the amount of refunds, Fig. 8.

 Fig. 8. Cash advance warrant for the receipt of proceeds from KKM to the cashier.


Fig. 9. Movement on the chart of accounts cash advance warrant on receipt of proceeds from retail sales by KKM. Receipt of funds to 301 accounts.

The order executes movements on 301 account, fig. 9 - this is reflected in the record in the cash book, as the receipt of funds, Fig. 10.


Fig. 10. Cash book, where the balance at the beginning of the day = 1000, 100 - issue of a coin to the cash register of the cash desk, 10 - receipt of proceeds from the cash register of the cash desk.

If it is necessary to return to the cashier, issued a change coin, which is registered in a separate subdivision of the cash department of the cash register, a cash order is executed on the main cash desk from the cash desk of the separate subdivision, Fig. 11.

Fig. 11. Return to the coffers of a small coin from the cash RCD, which are registered in a separate division of "RCD".

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