Integration with the catalog "GAI" / "MREO"

Integration with the catalog "GAI" / "MREO"

UAH 8 000
Интеграция с каталогом "ГАИ" / "МРЭО"

Automatic filling of vehicle data in the "Alfa-Avto" accounting system with data from the catalog, received via API.

Integration functionality with the "GAI" catalog

  • Automatic filling of car data with data from the catalog In the "Alfa-Avto" accounting system, when searching for a car by VIN code or state number, if the car is not found, you can create a new car card by filling in the data from the "GAI" database, or you can fill in the missing data in the existing car card.

  • Automatic filling of the directory "Car models". When downloading vehicle data from the "GAI" database, the car model is located in the "Alfa-Auto" accounting system; if it is not found, it will be automatically added.

For which configurations can be implemented:

  • "Alfa-Auto", edition 5, or edition 6;

  • BAS Small business;

  • UNF. Management of a small firm.

For other configurations - need to be discussed.


Several screenshots from the "Alfa-Auto" accounting system with a demonstration of functionality for integration with the catalog

Fig. 1. Vehicle card. Ability to update data from the "GAI" catalog.

Fig. 2. Dialog with the result of a request to the "GAI" catalog when the "Fill in other parameters by VIN" button in the car card is clicked.

Fig. 3. Dialog with vehicle data obtained from the "GAI" catalog when the vehicle is not found and it is possible to create a new vehicle card.

Fig. 4. Directory of car models. The directory is automatically filled from the "GAI" catalog upon receiving requests for vehicle data.

The cost of the solution with integration services into the customer's configuration: UAH 8,000.

Developer: "NCT" company


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