"Payment calendar" report

UAH 4 000
Отчет "Платежный календарь"
Several reasons for which you should automate the formation of a payment calendar:
  • Every working day you spend time creating a payment calendar in Excel;
  • You are not satisfied with the implementation of the standard report "Payment Calendar" - it is hard and not universal.

We have been automating the accounting of cash for many years, we spent thousands of hours working on it. We have many examples of automation of a particular cash register, contact us, most likely we can help you.

Then a few, perhaps not quite clear copies of the screens.

The payment calendar, he's such a secret document.

Рис. 1. Платежный календарь. Запланированные движения денежных средств.
Fig. 1. Payment schedule. Scheduled movements on arrival and expenditure of cash funds.


   Рис. 2. Платежный календарь. Отчет по остаткам и движениям денежных средств за период.

Fig. 2. Payment schedule. Report on balances and cash flows for the period with a breakdown into cash and non-cash.


Cost of adjustment: 4000 UAH. (Without taking into account the costs of integration in the configuration of the customer)

Developer: NCT



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