CRM for business: Renting coffee machines, organizing their regular maintenance, selling coffee, coffee machines and related products

CRM for business: Renting coffee machines, organizing their regular maintenance, selling coffee, coffee machines and related products

UAH 25 000
CRM для бизнеса: Сдача в аренду кофемашин, организация их регулярного обслуживания, продажа кофе, кофемашин и сопутствующих товаров

The configuration is designed to automate the business of leasing coffee machines, as well as accounting for sales of coffee beans for rented coffee machines, taking into account sales norms, depending on the type of coffee machine.

Also the configuration allows you to automate:

  • Vacation accounting when renting coffee machines;
  • Organization of service for servicing the leased coffee machines.

In addition, the configuration can be used to account for any other nomenclature.

Basic functions:

The information system is built on without the typical configurations "Managing a small firm". In addition, the settings can be transferred to the configuration "Trade Management" and other configurations on managed forms.


Examples of interactive forms.


Fig.1. To automate the accounting of the transfer of the rental of coffee machines, a separate subsystem "Transferred Nomenclature".

The main documents are "Operation of the transferred nomenclature". The document "Transaction on transferred nomenclature" contains several types of operations under the contract of the counterparty: issuance for safe custody, replacement of the coffee machine and closing of the card of the transferred nomenclature.

В договоре контрагента могут предусматриваться каникулы на определенное количество дней, на протяжении которых не будет начисляться норма покупки кофе в эти дни.

Fig.2. A contract of the counterparty may provide for a vacation for a certain number of days, during which the rate of purchase of coffee on these days will not be accrued. To register vacation days, the document "Accounting of vacations" is added.

Внешний вид документа «Заявка на работу»

Fig.3. The document "Application for work." Used to schedule a planned maintenance.

Нормы продаж используются для возможности контроля и начисления норм покупки кофе

Fig.4. The norms of sales are used to control and calculate the norms of buying coffee.

Отчет «Продажи по переданной номенклатуре согласно норм» предназначен для возможности контроля покупки кофе, согласно установленным нормам для кофе-машин.

Fig.5. The report "Sales according to the transferred nomenclature according to the norms" is intended for the possibility of controlling the purchase of coffee, according to the established norms for coffee machines.

Отчет «Запасы переданные» показывает движения и остатки переданных в аренду кофе-машин с детализацией до контрагентов и расчеты.

Fig.6. The report "Stocks transferred" shows the movements and balances of the rented coffee machines with details to the counterparties and settlements.

Отчет «Операции по переданной номенклатуре» показывает какие были выполнены операции по переданной номенклатуре контрагентам, а также остатки этой номенклатуры у контрагента с детализацией до помещений контрагента.

Fig.7. The report "Transactions on the transferred nomenclature" shows what transactions were performed on the transferred nomenclature to counterparties, as well as the balances of this nomenclature from the counterparty with the details to the premises of the counterparty.

Отчет «Переданная номенклатура» показывает единицу переданной в аренду кофе-машины контрагенту с указанием количества и остатка.

Fig.8. The report "Transferred nomenclature" shows the unit of the leased coffee machine to the counterpart, indicating the amount and balance.

Справочник «Единицы переданной номенклатуры» описывает переданную номенклатуру: кому она отдана в аренду, в какое помещение, какая номенклатура.

Fig.9. The directory "Units of the transferred nomenclature" describes the transferred nomenclature: to whom it is leased, to which room, which nomenclature.

Справочник «Виды помещений»-перечень помещений контрагента, куда устанавливаются кофе-машины

Fig.10. Directory "Types of premises" -the list of premises of the counterpart where coffee machines are installed

Cost of configuration: 25000 UAH (without integration into the existing information system)

Developer: NCT


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